Thursday 7 October 2010

Preliminary Task: Lip Syncing

This preliminary task was a new experience to the newly put together group, after having made a short intro to a thriller which didn't require any lip syncing in AS we now had to mimic the words to a quite old fashion song for a music video. Before we started it was vital we didn't mimic the words to the song without projecting the actual lyrics seeing as if we did our mouth movements would be exaggerated which would lead to a un-natural looking sync. We put together a range of camera angles and shots, low angle, high angle, mid-shot, close ups to have a good amount of shots to edit into a good lip sync.
Our camera man Fabian had to keep a steady arm as we recorded a variety of shot angles, this proved a difficult task as if the camera moved in the slightest what was being recorded wouldn't look professional. Without the tripod it would make recording harder but by simply holding the camera tightly and not allowing unecassary arm movement we wer able to minimise any camera shaking. Luckily for the group our on screen singer had confidence to sing to the song, this allowed recoreding to go quickly as our group worked in accoradance with each other.
Once our recording was done, the next lesson we headed to the editing sweat to see how our camera shots would look on screen, although some shaking was visable we new we had minimised it as much as we could. Again we used the now familiar Final Cut Pro, after we had been given a tutorial on how to edit a lip sync now that we had our own clips we wer able to get on with the tast in a group with ease. The simple technique of marking out a recognisable word from the sound track once we had place it on the final cut pro timeline proved easy and efficient. We marked out one word with a marker then opened a video and with the clips we placed a marker on the same place where we could hear the cameras recorded sound of the song. After having placed our markers for every clip and having aligned them with the soundtrack we used a newly learnt feature called Razor, this allowed us to cut out parts of the clips which once done would show the lip sync in time but with the camera angles changing. When we finished to see our video and coverted it we realised that only a 5 second video came out, this problem was then resolved and the video came out looking good.
I really enjoyed this task as the recording was fun and the group worked well together, the editing was easy and with practice it can only get better.

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