Monday 11 October 2010

Preliminary Task : Photos & more ...

The Group had been given a preliminary task focusing on the skills of lip-syncing. We were given a song 'Oh-What-Wow' taken from the 60's Disco genre.
We felt this was a good opputunity to find our strong and weak areas between us in practical media work.

The only props given were a CD Player, a sheet of lyrics, filming lights for the green screen and a class room to work in. Very basic but yet our group was keen to show off their talents. We also had decided to go that extra further and use a fan present in the classroom for the effect of the singer's hair blowing which makes it just a little bit more glamourous.

One of the main things we did was to give ourselves a main role each so there was equal workload put out from all of us. Fabian Berisha (Camera man) had good skills using a variety of shots when it came to filming so it was an instant role given. Miguel Carrillo (Photographer) as a shy person didn't want to stand back and observe so a simple yet effective role of taking snap shots with a digital camera helped alot for out blogging.

Ira Bytyci (Actress/Singer) who has the most confidence in front of the camera took the role of lip-syncing which she did a fantastic job of : showing off her moves which made the video even more eye-catching.

Dennetta McKain (Director) who is always full of ideas a keen leader in group work took the role of director since she had an instant image in her head when given the task.
During the filming she made a quick 5 minute storyboard of each shot and action used for the lyrics which made it more easier to follow. For example for the lyrics 'Oh-What-Wow' the simple movement was a pointing arm to the audience.

Miguel Carrillo (Photographer) as a shy person didn't want to stand back and observe so a simple yet effective role of taking snap shots with a digital camera helped alot for out blogging.

An example of a shot used was a high angle shot where the camera man stood on the table above the singer gaining a great shot. A variety of shots were used such as mid shot, close-up shot, high angle shot and long shot but mainly mid shots were used.

Written by Dennetta McKain

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