Thursday 23 September 2010

Preliminary Task: Lip Syncing

Ira: As i appeared in the lip sync tutorial i learnt that singing the lyrics looked would look much more effectful rather than miming as sometme it looked overexaggerated. We also learnt how to use handheld cameras as tripods were not allowed. As this was the first time we were working in our new groups we ad to get used to listening to eachothers ideas and co-operating. Learning how to use the handheld camera's was essential as we tryed various techniques such as low angles, close ups, medium shots. We also involved a fan to make my hair fly all over the place which i was not a fan of! 

What i believed to be the most challenging task was actually holding the handheld camera without shaking hands, Fabian would of had the most trouble with this as he was filming. I also had difficulty using the new tools on Final cut pro such as the razor and mark tools i found them really confusing at first and got extremely lost in what i was doing. But i managed to get the hang of them at the end.

In comparison to the thriller we did last year i found this much easier to edit and fun.

Dennetta: This was my first time doing a practical preliminary task on lip syncing which is something that we do on an everyday basis. As director, I had to plan all the shots we were going to use which I had written all on the white board provided. I also helped our singer create dance moves and give a lively vibe so that when we did film our task, it would look as professional as it could be.
As this role I was quite an inspiration but yet the person that put together all the ideas and produced a great piece of work which I also additionally edited using Final Cut Pro.
I must admit that I really enjoyed this task and it gave me a good taster for what was coming next! 

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